
Timeline for GTP English Learning Circle

Page history last edited by Natasha Cherednichenko 12 years, 10 months ago


English Timeline Learning Circles February 2012 




1. Preparation , February 13 - February 19 2012


Week 0
invitation from the Wiki and posting a test message. Introduction workshop, teachers prepare their students for participation in the Learning Circle. Discussion of responsibilities, skills, knowledge, awareness. Communicate with GTP Country Coordinator and Leaning Circle facilitator.



2. Introductions, February 20 February 26 2012


Week 1
Official opening of the Learning Circle with the facilitator’s welcome message. Teacher and students introduce themselves by posting a Class letter, Teacher letter and a Class picture on the introduction pages. 


3. Questions, February 27  - March 11 2012


Week 2-3
Each class formulates a question related to the Learning Circle theme, according to the criteria for a quality sponsored question.


4. Research and Answers, March 12 - April 15 2012


Week 4-5-6-7-8

After in depth research, each class responds to all the questions from the other classes in the Circle. 
At the same time each class receive answers to their question. 



5. Summaries, April 16 - April 29 2012


Week 9-10

Each class summarizes the answers received from the   Learning Circle partners. The summaries are posted in the Wiki.


6. Closing, April 30 - May 6 2012


Week 11

Learning Circle teachers and students complete Survey and post a goodbye message.
Official closing of the Learning Circle by facilitator. 

Students and Teachers Survey  


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