3. Questions, February 27 - March 11 2012
Week 2-3 Each class formulates a question related to the Learning Circle theme, according to the criteria for a quality sponsored question.
et1 Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, Kenya, Question:
Evaluate the impact of internet technologies with regards to web 2.0 tools like social networks and internet technologies like cloud computing.
How does reliance on technology affect businesses in your society? Discuss the impacts with real examples wherever possible or case studies drawn from your country.
et2 Mohamed Zahran Experimental Languages School, Egypt, Question:
Emergent technology
Emerging technologies represent new and significant Developments.
Some are incremental; others constitute Quantum leaps in knowledge.
However, they all have the Potential to spawn new products, new services
And new business opportunities.
Do you think the emergent technology is important? Why?
How can we use the emergent technology in our daily life?
How can we develop something?
Mention some development that you made?
How can we make the uses of emergent technology positive not negative?
E T 2 Team
et3 Tuskegee International School, Ghana, Question:
1. What do you understand by emerging technologies, what are some of the emerging technologies in your country?
2. Does the use of technology improve in your educational systems, please give examples.
3.How keen are the youth in your country about the use of new technologies as they are introduced.
et4 Friends School Kigama, Kenya, Question:
Do the educators understand the potential use of ICT in improving the delivery and
management of education?What are some of the benefits and threats/risks that come with ICT's use in education?
et5 COLEGIUL ECONOMIC BUZAU, Romania Question:
What are the harmful effects of new technologies on people and the environment?

et6 Kraslava State Gymnasium, Latvia Question:
What are the relations between new technologies and the environment?
Which technologies cause harm to nature and why? How can emerging technologies help protect it? Please, give examples.
et7 COLEGIUL ECONOMIC BUZAU, Romania, (teacher CERCEL CARMEN), Question:
Wich do you think are the most efficient emerging tehnology? Why? We wait your answer, thank you!

et8 Wesselenyi Reformed High School, Romania Question:
Emerging technologies usually promise something revolutionary, something extraordinary, something that might bring important changes.
1. Are the new technologies always as useful as they seem at first glance?
2. How do new technologies change human communication and social relationships?
3. Give an example of an emerging technology that helps sustainable development.
et9 Bruce Trail Public School, Canada, Question:
Dear Learning Circle Friends - the following question was the "winner" in our class. We had each small group design a multi-layer question, the question that best met our class-made criteria, was then granted access to be posted on the wikki.
We look forward to hearing your responses.
Technological Impact on the Workforce: Learning Cirlce Question
Technology is designed to reduce human effort. Because of this, many jobs are lost since the technology is now performing actions at a higher level than workers could. On the other hand, technology is an entire industry of jobs.
a. How have emerging technologies affected jobs in your country?
b. Overall, are the number of jobs increasing or decreasing because of technology?
c. Has your country progressed in any way because of the jobs created in technological industries?
d. Is the economy of your country developing due to the economical influences of technology in the workplace?
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