

Page history last edited by Amy Scarpone 12 years, 11 months ago





1. Preparation , February 13 - February 19 2012


Week 0
invitation from the Wiki and posting a test message. Introduction workshop, teachers prepare their students for participation in the Learning Circle. Discussion of responsibilities, skills, knowledge, awareness. Communicate with GTP Country Coordinator and Leaning Circle facilitator.





Dear participants

Please use the space beneath this message to post your test messages. You can find your classcode on the

Participating Schools  page


Kindly use your classcodes to enable us to recognize your class. Posting your test messages means that your wiki accounts has been created and your class is ready for the start of the Wiki Learning Circle.


Before posting your test message, click on "Edit" menu above.

After posting your message, remember to click on "save" before exiting the page.


Hoping to reading your  test messages, Natasha Cherednichenko


et1     Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, Kenya

My name is Risper Ajode. I have received your email and landed on this page. As I indicated on my application this is my first time on GTP but am excited to join. I hope that it will be an enriching learning experience for me and my students.

I have also seen the timeline but have one major concern. My school is on break (sort of mid-term) starting todat 14th Feb. This means we will not be available for one week because of travel etc. We resume school on 20th Feb, which is the 2nd week for GTP. U hope that we will catch up with the schedule then.


Thank you.


et2     Mohamed Zahran Experimental Languages School, Egypt

Mohamed Zahran Experimental Languages School, Egypt

We are very happy to be a part of this LC. We hope we all will learn a lot from each other.


Kind regards,

et2 Team


et3     Tuskegee International School, Ghana

Hello Friends we are a class from Ghana and we are happy to join you all in this LC

et4    Friends School Kigama, Kenya (teacher Billy Mugami)


Am Billy Mugami. This my first time here. I teach at Friends School Kigama



...and hello from Romania too! Our group is waiting to cooperate with you.


et6     Kraslava State Gymnasium, Latvia


Dear friends,

We are happy to be your LC partner and hope that our common work will be fruitful.

We are looking forward to starting  the project and to learning about all of you.

Best wishes,

Class et6 from Latvia


Hello from Romanial.


et8     Wesselenyi Reformed High School, Romania


et9      Bruce Trail Public School, Canada
Testing!!! Testing!!! We are now here, logged in, ready to go, and SUPER EXCITED!!!!

Comments (1)

Natasha Cherednichenko said

at 8:25 pm on Feb 15, 2012

Dear participants from Kenya, thanks for the notification.
Sure that you will post necessary messages after the school break. You will have enough time for that.

Best regards
Natasha Cherednichenko
LC facilitator

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