
Fun Page

Page history last edited by PBworks 13 years ago

Test, practice, have fun, try-out... this is the place for it

Comments (1)

Amy Scarpone said

at 12:32 am on Apr 2, 2012

Hello Learning Circle Friends- (I am not sure where to post this "message" so I am trying a couple spots)

ET9 (Bruce Trail Public School, Canada) is busy working on their answers to your questions. I wanted to let you all know that each small group of my students will be posting a message to you all this week. It will not be the actual "answer" to your question just yet, as they are still compiling research, however, it will be IN the area where they are to respond to the question: "Research and Answers".

They would like to engage in some email correspondence with their assigned school (since I have grouped them about 4 students are working on one specific school's question). They will be posting an "in progress" message shortly, along with an email address you can contact them at.

Please do write them back as they are eager to chat with you :)

One last thing - if any classes are interested in doing a video conference call or a Skype call I would LOVE to arrange that for my class!!!!

Please let me know if you are interested and we can set that up!!!

All the best,

Amy Scarpone (ET9 Bruce Trail Public School, Canada)

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